What does not destroy me, make me stronger!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

damn..never to trust a "smiling tiger" again..

i got to know this "smiling tiger" about 2 year ago when i enter this "clan".When i first started to talk to him, i realized he quite humorous,caring and often demonstrate/"impart" his skill to me(which i think is useless to me).Then later i found out he is cheapo,often wants to gain without contributing.About a year ago, a lion came and took over the "clan".Then he was left with very little power to control us.Then he started to sucka the lion,hoping to gain some recognition.But then the lion seems to ignore him,so he got nothing to do and come to sabotage me.There were a lot of time he sabotaged me.There was once when the lion ordered me to do a project.Then the "smiling tiger" altered the project and causes me to get a scolding from the lion.At that moment,i really feel damn angry about but after considering that he is gonna be group leader for quite some time,i didn't expose him.Quite a lot of this kind incident happen to me and my fellow friend.But today was the worst.Lion was not at the clan.So he got the great power of authority and there was a visitor today.Also today i felt that the visitor is picking on me.Damn her.Who she think she is.YOU ARE JUST A FAT MONKEY IN MY EYES.Normally i will complete two project everyday(which is now consider the most project undertaken).But today i did 3 projects.The first project he said i didn't use brain to work.Nevermind.I tolerate it.Then i did the second project,then he says i didn't take seriously.Normally after one project, i would take a interval of 8 min or so.But then i didn't. i did my third project and what he said was,"your stamina sucks" right after i finished my project.i was like wtf, that was really enough outta you.Then about the visitor,the visitor is a relative of the lion.So what the visitor do or says he all agree, whereas what i do or says become rubbish and crap.i assume he is sucka-ing the visitor.then i care no more, i left the training hall allowing him to sucka the visitor.Fucking "smiling tiger" i am not gonna trust you anymore,don't ever called me to help you do stuff again but to entertain you so as to show to lion.He must know what is 生老病死,i can attack him when he have this symptoms,but i wouldn't do it.i want him to go to hell(?!) to reflect how many "masks" he wore and those "no contribution gain" thing to gotten.i should have trusted my partner and coach long time ago.The within clan too far political and too much unseen backstabbers.Damn i left to take my cap in the training hall.Hope still there in the hall tml.

I uses too much indecent words already.So Lord please forgive me for use excessive indecent words. Namo Amitabha (南無阿彌陀佛)

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